Scratching Posts vs. Scratching Pads for Cats?

  • Cat Scratcher Guard Scratching Post Furniture Couch Protector Cat Deterrent Tape Paw Pads Carpet Protector
    $11.38 $6.34
  • Sisal Rope Cat Scratcher Ball Toys Interactive Scratching Post Kitten Toy Scraper Grinding Scratch Board Pad for Cats (3 Type)
  • 10/30/50M Sisal Rope Cat Tree Climbing Frames DIY Scratching Post Toys Protect Cat Claws Natural Sisal Rope for Cat Scratcher Resistant Non-toxic Fiber DIY Handicraft "Sisal Rope Cat Tree Climbing Frames Scratching Post Toys Protect Cat Claws Natural Sisal Rope for Cat Scratcher Resistant Non-toxic Fiber Handicraft"
    $1.77 $2.61

Bestsellers for Cat Scratching Posts

  • Cat Scratcher Guard Scratching Post Furniture Couch Protector Cat Deterrent Tape Paw Pads Carpet Protector
    $11.38 $6.34
  • Sisal Rope Cat Scratcher Ball Toys Interactive Scratching Post Kitten Toy Scraper Grinding Scratch Board Pad for Cats (3 Type)
  • 10/30/50M Sisal Rope Cat Tree Climbing Frames DIY Scratching Post Toys Protect Cat Claws Natural Sisal Rope for Cat Scratcher Resistant Non-toxic Fiber DIY Handicraft "Sisal Rope Cat Tree Climbing Frames Scratching Post Toys Protect Cat Claws Natural Sisal Rope for Cat Scratcher Resistant Non-toxic Fiber Handicraft"
    $1.77 $2.61

Scratching posts and scratching pads are both popular options for cat owners looking to provide their feline friends with an outlet for their natural scratching behavior. While both options serve the same purpose, they offer different experiences and benefits for your cat. Understanding these differences can help you make an informed decision that best suits your cat's needs and your living situation. Here are five key points to help you make an informed decision:

  1. Scratching Posts:

Scratching posts are vertical structures that allow cats to stretch and scratch. They are typically made of materials like sisal rope or carpet, which provide a satisfying texture for cats to sink their claws into. Scratching posts come in various sizes and designs, ranging from simple standalone posts to elaborate cat trees with multiple levels and built-in toys. These posts offer cats a dedicated space to scratch, climb, and play, helping to keep them physically and mentally stimulated. Moreover, scratching posts can also serve as a piece of furniture in your home, adding to the aesthetic appeal of your living space.

  1. Scratching Pads:

Scratching pads, on the other hand, are flat surfaces that cats can scratch. They are usually made of materials like corrugated cardboard or sisal, which offer a similar texture to scratching posts. Scratching pads are often smaller and more portable than scratching posts, making them a convenient option for cat owners who have limited space or frequently travel with their pets. They can be placed on the floor or mounted on walls, providing cats with a horizontal surface to scratch and sharpen their claws. Additionally, some scratching pads come with replaceable surfaces, making them a long-lasting option.

  1. Consider Your Cat's Preferences:

When choosing between a scratching post and a scratching pad, it's important to consider your cat's individual preferences. Some cats may prefer the vertical motion of scratching posts, while others may prefer the horizontal motion of scratching pads. Observing your cat's scratching behavior can give you valuable insights into their preferences. If your cat tends to scratch furniture or walls vertically, a scratching post may be a better option. If they prefer scratching the carpet or rugs horizontally, a scratching pad may be more suitable. Remember, every cat is unique and what works for one might not work for another.

  1. Space and Budget:

Another factor to consider is the available space in your home and your budget. Scratching posts, especially larger cat trees, can take up a significant amount of floor space. If you have limited space or live in a small apartment, a scratching pad may be a more practical choice. Additionally, scratching pads are often more affordable than scratching posts, making them a budget-friendly option for cat owners. However, it's important to remember that investing in a high-quality scratching post or pad can save you money in the long run by preventing damage to your furniture.

  1. Combination Approach:

If you're still unsure which option is best for your cat, you can also consider a combination approach. Many cat owners find that providing both a scratching post and a scratching pad gives their cats more variety and options for scratching. This can help prevent them from getting bored or frustrated with a single scratching surface. You can place the scratching post in one area of your home and the scratching pad in another, allowing your cat to choose which one they prefer. This approach also allows you to observe which type of surface your cat prefers over time.

Now that you have a better understanding of the differences between scratching posts and scratching pads, you may be wondering where to find these products. Wish, a leading mobile shopping app, offers a wide range of affordable and budget-friendly options for cat scratching posts and pads. With over 250,000 merchants globally, Wish connects millions of customers to a variety of products, including cat furniture and accessories. Whether you're looking for a tall cat tree with multiple scratching posts or a compact scratching pad for your small space, Wish has you covered. Simply download the Wish app or visit their website to explore their extensive selection of cat products. You can also read reviews from other cat owners to help you make an informed decision.

Benefits of Scratching Posts and Pads

Scratching posts and pads offer several benefits for both cats and their owners. They not only satisfy your cat's natural urge to scratch but also contribute to their overall health and well-being. Here are some key advantages of each option:

#Scratching Posts

Scratching posts provide cats with a dedicated space to scratch, climb, and play. By having a scratching post, you can redirect your cat's scratching behavior away from your furniture, walls, and other household items. This can help protect your belongings and prevent damage to your home. Scratching posts also help cats stretch their muscles and maintain healthy claws. Additionally, many scratching posts come with built-in toys or platforms, providing extra entertainment and exercise for your cat. Some even come with cozy spots for your cat to rest or sleep, making them a multifunctional piece of cat furniture.

#Scratching Pads

Scratching pads offer a convenient and portable solution for cat owners. They can be easily moved around the house or taken with you when traveling. Scratching pads are also a great option for cats who prefer scratching horizontally or have limited mobility. The texture of scratching pads helps cats shed the outer layers of their claws, keeping them sharp and healthy. Additionally, scratching pads are often more affordable than scratching posts, making them a cost-effective choice for cat owners on a budget. Plus, many scratching pads are designed to blend in with your home decor, making them a stylish addition to your home.

Choosing the Right Material

When selecting a scratching post or pad, it's important to consider the material used. Different materials offer different textures and durability, affecting how much your cat enjoys using them and how long they last. Here are some common materials and their benefits:

#Sisal Rope

Sisal rope is a popular material for scratching posts and pads. It is durable, resistant to scratching, and provides a satisfying texture for cats. Sisal rope is also a natural fiber, making it non-toxic and safe for cats to scratch. Additionally, sisal rope is environmentally friendly and biodegradable, making it a sustainable choice. It's also worth noting that sisal rope can be easily replaced if it becomes worn out, extending the lifespan of your scratching post or pad.

#Corrugated Cardboard

Corrugated cardboard is another common material used for scratching pads. It offers a rough texture that cats enjoy scratching and helps them shed the outer layers of their claws. Corrugated cardboard is also lightweight and easy to replace when worn out. Many scratching pads made of corrugated cardboard come in multiple layers, allowing you to peel off the top layer and reveal a fresh scratching surface. Plus, corrugated cardboard is recyclable, making it an eco-friendly option.


Some scratching posts and pads are covered in carpet material. Carpet provides a soft and comfortable surface for cats to scratch. However, it's important to choose a scratching post or pad with high-quality carpet that is securely attached. Low-quality carpet may fray or come loose, posing a risk of ingestion or entanglement for your cat. Also, keep in mind that carpet-covered scratching posts or pads may encourage your cat to scratch other carpeted surfaces in your home.

Training Your Cat to Use a Scratching Post or Pad

Introducing a scratching post or pad to your cat may require some training and encouragement. It's important to make the new scratching surface appealing to your cat and teach them that it's an appropriate place to scratch. Here are some tips to help you get started:

  1. Placement: Position the scratching post or pad in an area where your cat spends a lot of time, such as near their favorite sleeping spot or by a window. Cats are more likely to use a scratching surface that is easily accessible and in a location they enjoy. You can also try placing it near furniture that your cat has been scratching as a way to redirect their behavior.

  2. Positive Reinforcement: Encourage your cat to use the scratching post or pad by rewarding them with treats, praise, or playtime when they use it. Positive reinforcement helps create a positive association with the scratching surface and motivates your cat to continue using it. Be sure to reward your cat immediately after they use the scratching surface to reinforce the behavior.

  3. Catnip: Sprinkle some catnip on the scratching post or pad to attract your cat's attention. Catnip is a natural herb that many cats find irresistible. It can help entice your cat to explore and use the scratching surface. However, not all cats are attracted to catnip, so this may not work for every cat.

  4. Redirecting: If you catch your cat scratching furniture or other inappropriate surfaces, gently redirect them to the scratching post or pad. Use a toy or treat to guide their attention towards the scratching surface. Consistency is key, so be patient and persistent with the redirection. Over time, your cat should start to associate the scratching post or pad with positive experiences and choose it over other surfaces.

Maintaining and Cleaning Scratching Posts and Pads

To ensure the longevity and effectiveness of your cat's scratching post or pad, regular maintenance and cleaning are essential. Keeping the scratching surface clean and in good condition can make it more appealing to your cat and prevent any potential health issues. Here are some tips to help you keep them in good condition:

  1. Inspection: Regularly inspect the scratching post or pad for any signs of wear and tear. Check for loose threads, frayed edges, or unstable structures. Replace or repair any damaged parts to prevent accidents or injuries. If the scratching surface becomes too worn out, it may not be as satisfying for your cat to scratch and they may start seeking out other surfaces.

  2. Cleaning: Depending on the material, you can clean the scratching post or pad using a vacuum cleaner, brush, or damp cloth. Follow the manufacturer's instructions for specific cleaning recommendations. Avoid using harsh chemicals or cleaners that may be toxic to your cat. Regular cleaning can also help reduce the spread of cat hair and dander in your home.

  3. Replacement: Over time, scratching posts and pads may become worn out or lose their effectiveness. It's important to replace them when they no longer provide a satisfying scratching surface for your cat. Pay attention to your cat's behavior and scratching preferences to determine when it's time for a new scratching surface. Remember, a fresh and appealing scratching surface can keep your cat's interest and continue to protect your furniture from damage.


Scratching posts and scratching pads are both valuable tools for cat owners looking to satisfy their cat's natural scratching behavior. Whether you choose a scratching post, a scratching pad, or a combination of both, providing your cat with an appropriate scratching surface is essential for their physical and mental well-being. Remember to consider your cat's preferences, available space, and budget when making your decision. With the wide range of affordable options available on Wish, you can find the perfect scratching post or pad to keep your cat happy and your furniture scratch-free. By understanding your cat's needs and providing them with suitable scratching surfaces, you can create a harmonious living environment for both you and your feline friend.

Wish Buying Guide

Cat Scratching Posts are an essential item for any cat owner looking to protect their furniture and provide their feline friend with a dedicated space to scratch and stretch. These posts are made from natural sisal rope and offer a rough texture that satisfies your cat's instinct to scratch while keeping their claws healthy and sharp. They can be easily attached to existing furniture or used as standalone posts, providing versatility in placement options. Cat Scratching Posts have gained popularity among cat owners for their ability to redirect scratching behavior, promote healthy nail maintenance, and provide mental stimulation for cats. Investing in a Cat Scratching Post is a win-win situation, benefiting both you and your cat by protecting your furniture and providing entertainment and exercise for your furry friend. Here are some products we recommend.

Cat Scratcher Guard Scratching Post Furniture Couch Protector Cat Deterrent Tape Paw Pads Carpet Protector

This Cat Scratcher Guard Scratching Post Furniture Couch Protector is a great way to protect furniture from cat scratching. It is transparent and almost invisible, flexible and durable, and easily removable without leaving any marks. It also comes with 4 or 8 pieces per package for extra assurance.

Why People Love This
  • Durable material: The Cat Scratcher Guard is made of high-quality material that withstands aggressive scratching, ensuring longevity.
  • Furniture Protection: This product effectively protects your furniture, couch, carpet and other household items from cat scratches, keeping them in perfect condition.
  • Easy to install: Customers love the ease with which the Cat Scratcher Guard can be set up. It comes with adhesive pads for quick installation.
  • Versatile use: This cat deterrent tape is not just limited to couches. It can be used on various surfaces including carpets and wooden furniture, offering wide-ranging protection.
  • Non-toxic: The Cat Scratcher Guard is made of non-toxic materials, ensuring it is safe for your pets and family.
  • Invisible Protection: Despite its effectiveness, the guard remains almost invisible, preserving your furniture's aesthetic appeal.
  • Effective Deterrent: Customers have praised the product's effectiveness in deterring cats from scratching furniture. The paw pads serve as a distraction, further enhancing its usefulness.

Sisal Rope Cat Scratcher Ball Toys Interactive Scratching Post Kitten Toy Scraper Grinding Scratch Board Pad for Cats (3 Type)

This product features a multi-functional design that is both environmentally friendly and space saving. It also helps protect furniture from scratches and satisfies the cat's natural scratching instinct. The product is made of solid wood and sisal rope making it recyclable and wear-resistant. It can easily attract the cat's attention, allowing them to play and stay entertained. Installation is simple and easy too!

Why People Love This
  • Durability - Customers appreciate the sturdy construction and high-quality sisal rope used in these cat scratcher ball toys, ensuring they last for a long time.
  • Interactive - These toys are highly interactive, providing cats with hours of fun and engagement, which owners love.
  • Variety - The product comes in three different types, offering a range of options to suit different cat preferences.
  • Scratching Post Feature - The integrated scratching post is a big hit among users, as it helps protect furniture by diverting the cats' scratching instincts towards it.
  • Grinding Scratch Board Pad - The included grinding scratch board pad is praised for its effectiveness in helping cats maintain their claws.
  • Ease of Use - Customers find these toys easy to use and set up, adding to their overall satisfaction.
  • Cat Health Benefits - Users have noted that regular use of these toys can help improve a cat's health by reducing stress and providing physical exercise.

10/30/50M Sisal Rope Cat Tree Climbing Frames DIY Scratching Post Toys Protect Cat Claws Natural Sisal Rope for Cat Scratcher Resistant Non-toxic Fiber DIY Handicraft "Sisal Rope Cat Tree Climbing Frames Scratching Post Toys Protect Cat Claws Natural Sisal Rope for Cat Scratcher Resistant Non-toxic Fiber Handicraft"

This Sisal Rope Cat Tree Climbing Frames Scratching Post Toys is made of high-quality, natural sisal and is available in 10m, 30m and 50m lengths. It is durable and economical, offering great value for money. The rope is safe and non-toxic for pets, giving cats a great texture to scratch on without damaging furniture.

Why People Love This
  • Durable and resistant: Customers repeatedly mention that the sisal rope is extremely durable and resistant, making it perfect for cat scratching posts.
  • Non-toxic and safe: Many users appreciate that the sisal rope is non-toxic, ensuring their cat's safety when using it.
  • Ideal for DIY projects: The product is highly praised for being suitable for do-it-yourself projects like cat climbing frames and scratching posts.
  • Protects cat's claws: Reviewers love that this sisal rope effectively protects their cats' claws while they enjoy their playtime.
  • Natural material: Users value the fact that the rope is made of natural sisal fiber, which is more appealing and healthier for their cats.
  • Versatile use: Customers commend the product's versatility, as it can be used not just for cat toys but also for other handicraft projects.
  • Available in different lengths: The availability of the sisal rope in 10M, 30M, and 50M lengths is a big plus according to many reviews.

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